Sunday 7 November 2010

Unit 2.01- Concept Art: Retro-Futuristic London

Here is the latest concept, I have done for the film " The Day of the Invisible Cannibals from Beyond the Stars", It was also my first step onto matte painting by using a on location picture of the Big Ben, I adjusted  to work in my favour, On the bright side, i really enjoyed do matte painting and maybe a skill I will develop overtime.

So the London we will see in the film, is a retro-London, a vision how the English Capital would look 50 years from the time the film is set, 1950. This also coincide with the year 2000, and despite London not looking like this now, filmmakers of the time had a quite vivid idea how the future would look like.

Coloured version

 B & W Version

P.S: I used a wider version than the regular 16:9, for a panoramic look.

Alongside the painting is the progress I have done, and the choices I had to take.


ivanka k said...

Excellent! Love it!

tutorphil said...

Hey Rubes - I've just dropped a comment on the studio blog, but I'll echo my sentiment here - GREAT!!!! Very impressive :-)

Ruben Martins said...

Thank you! I enjoyed do the matte paiting!

I firsly saw the other comment, Thanks!

Bharathi Anthonysamy said...

amazin, well done man.