Monday 30 May 2011

Work Placement Unit Evaluation

The work experience unit is officially over, and with it many things were learnt. With my work placement at Picasso Pictures, I had the chance to see how a small part of a vast industry works. Being in such environment and meeting such great people, helped me understand how to approach work in a production team.  With feedback talks with director James Boty from FinkBoom, t whom I mainly did work for, I understood that is crucial to be able to visualise what the director wants, and quickly show him what he wants.
Although, many times at Picasso Pictures during my placement it was very quiet it allowed me to sneak upstairs and ask productive questions to the freelancers working there.
Questions mainly were focused on work ethic, career approach and professionalism. with these talks I learnt a lot not only about the industry, my career, but also how to effectively approach university. the importance of a community in the CG and animation world.
These were the high points of my work experience, however where is highs is also lows, the only low point I can figure was the fact that it was extremely quiet on the first week, and it truly lowered a lot my esteem to face the second week, though I didnt allow that affect my work ethic, and I was hard-working as I always do.

Overall, It was a great experience, because it allowed me to meet different people and keep their contacts, for future questions. and mainly to have a taste of what the industry awaits me.

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