Friday 1 October 2010

Character Design 2nd Session

Last Tuesday, we had our second Character design workshop session with Justin Wyatt, this time he showed us the different types of character design out in the market from the cute and round-shaped Disney Characters to the Hyper-realistic ones from many video games.

Also, he showed us the principals of stereotyping your characters and how to make them unique.

The rules of circle for cute characters, square for strong characters, and triangles for villains really makes sense, and how if you play around with shapes and proportions you achieve a better looking and memorable character.
The last, part of the session we were given a task , where we could apply what we have learnt and come up with some quick designs for the henchmen of a Emperor.

My idea revolved around of creating different types of minions who would work for the Emperor.

Here is the designs, I came up with.

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