Thursday 21 October 2010

Unit 2.02- Character Design:Workshop Session 5

So this week we had our 5th session of Character Design workshop, and how enjoyable it was. This week, we were taught by Justin Wyatt, that to better design a character and give him a recognisable personality we have to rely on body postures.

So our first task was draw from real life poses, so we had a small life drawing class, where we would pose for a few minutes and the rest would be drawing the pose quickly. I found this exercise really helpful, to quickly get some poses right. I'm willing to carry on with this exercise in my own time.

The second task was to use face expressions to convey the personality of the characters. Face expressions are a quite easy veihcle to portray a character, because they lay on something recognisable for all of us. So we did have a go to create some face expressions for our existing characters.

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