Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Unit 6- Process 4: Growth of the Fungi into its Fruitbody

After the Plasmogamy process, extensive masses of mycelium is formed, this mycelium grows even more and concentrates in specific points. At these points also called hyphal knots, a compact form of organism is formed, which can be seen as the beginning of the growth of the "fruit".
Fungus not being considered plants, but rather belonging to the fungi group, they don't have actual fruits , however, we can assemble the name "fruit" to the outcome or offspring of the the same hyphal knot.
Even this growing process has different stages, it is divided in 3 main ones, the growth into a pinhead, the growth into a primordium and the final growth into a fruit-body, the actual mushroom as we perceive it. this process is only possible due to environmental cues.

This process can be seen in the following videos, although they are time lapsed, they give an accurate visualization of how the actual fungus grows.

For this animation, despite this life cycle is visible in most of the mushrooms with some exceptions, I decided to choose a specific mushroom that can be visually appealing but also able to convey the narrative well.

I looked at some types of mushrooms

and the ones which caught my attention were the poisonous, maybe because they have a more appealing look, despite no connection between visuals and poison.
I choose the most common look of mushrooms, because the audience will be able to identify it immediately as well as looking stunningly and friendly.

The Fly Agaric or Fly Amanita ( Amanita Muscaria)

Amanita Muscaria is a commonly known mushroom that can be seen in open woodlands, especially under birch and conifer trees. It is recognized as being the type of mushroom used by many artists that to stereotype the fungi world. The cap is rounded when young, but it flattens with a upturned margin. Viscid when wet, it peels easily.The torn veil remains on the upper part surface of the cap as thick patches or warts, though sometimes it is absent in some old specimens from being washed away by rain. the gills are crowded but close to the stem. The stem is scaly, and have narrowed from a wider base.
Although its stunning look and being used to illustrate many children's books or animations, it also is a fungi in which you dont want to eat as it is poisonous, looking a femme fatale in the shrooms land :).

Colour: Bright Scarlet Red or Orange Red cap, with white or yellowish cap patches, the gills are white or yellow and with a stem varying from yellow and white colours.

Height up to 10 inches and up to 7 inches cap wide.

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