Unfortunately, maybe is a bit late, but I had everything planned from the beginning, I just wasnt able to access a scanner.
So here is my animatic:
I finally chose the song and it went well as it matches really well the actions and the animation in general.

Yesterday, it was already a bit late when I posted this and I forgot to add the drawings that later were put together to form the storyboard.
About the Animatic, The time is quite right, but some tweaks will be essential, and some other gags are added. As the Pepper mill will be Esctatic instead of static. So I opted for a fast pace jumping for his movement, which will create a comedic effect to the character and I think it will fit well.
Finally, I would like to inform I have already 25 secs of my animation so I ll take the day to do some more and later continue the essay.
Hey Rubes - pleased you made it back okay! Watched 2012 a few nights back - what a stinker! - though, you can't beat images of wholesale destruction - but the bloody dog! :-( Anyway - just like in that movie, your plane must have just escaped the ash-cloud... or should that be 'pepper cloud'?
I'm not going to pick holes in your animatic as it's clear you're already committed in terms of drawing; fortunately, the animatic + music has lots of charm and potential, so just keep going and best of luck - and the Bill Plympton influence is clear!
See you next week!
The animatic looks so promissing :) Good work and cant wait to see the real deal after a week! :) Good luck in drawing
25 secs... you did have a holiday, right? ;-)
not much, but I enjoyed the time there. going out in the morning and working up to 2 am. :)
My girlfriend's family want to know what I was doing all that time there, so I have to excel lol.... but indeed a relaxing/ working time...
and also found a new passion for plants, they are so cool, my girlfriend's mum packed 3 to bring :)!
Nice stuff Ruben, you should be proud of it ;) see you next week.
Thanks Adam Bailey and Jolanta for the positive feedback, hopefully the animation will excel the animatic.
Good to hear you made it back before the dark cloud. Animatic looks good :). What's the song played through out the animatic? Because I recognise but can never remember what its called.
plants ARE cool!
I have one of these in my bathroom.... :-)
@ Lev
thanks , and the song is funiculi funicula by Mario Lanza
that is a really weird looking plant, does it get well with the weather, being a tropical plant?>
Thanks and wow....that is an interesting looking plant O_O
it's an insect-eater - and it only lives outside in the summer - but out of full sun - one day, when I have a huge conservatory, I'll grow one of these...
Now that is Freudian!
Indeed it is! :-) Really, the nepenthes family are truly incredible and bizarre; the pods themselves would give Giger a run for his money; currently, on the 'Nepenthes alata' in my bathroom there's a pod that's over 7 inches in length, and it's filled with corrosive fluid for the digestion of insects... I've also got a few varieties of these...
(Sorry, Rubes - quite why I'm littering your blog with horticultural horrors is anyone's guess - I'll stop it now!)
is not a problem, I quite like all this conversation im finding stuff never heard before.
interesting looking plants
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