Saturday 29 January 2011

Transcription: The Music of Eric Zahn Narrative Order

Between packing up my whole house unnecessarily, as my moving was postponed for 2 weeks time, and a messy house full with boxes and packed things. I found some time to create a narrative order, just a type of text with the happenings in the story chronologically, So anytime I want to refer to the story I will have a quicker guide and wont need to read the original text. This is mainly to help me do my storyboards as well as the any alterations of script. 

Narrative Order - The Music of Eric Zahn

  1. The story begins with the young man/ narrator trying to find in the maps for the Rue D'Auseil, the place he stayed when studying his metaphysics degree at the University, then he tells what has happened to him there. 
  2. It follows an accurate description of the street.
  3. It is a description of the almost inhabited boarding house where the young man chose to live while that disturbing time. 
  4. With his room on the fifth floor, every night he could listen to an old German viol-player on the top floor, who was known as Eric Zahn.
  5. After many nights of listening Zahn's music, the young man decides to intercept the old man and ask him if he could listen him playing.
  6. Firstly Eric Zahn was sceptical about letting a stranger listen to him, however he invited the young man in, and he played the 1st type of music, a kind of fugue, with a captivating quality.
  7. When Zahn finished, the young man was not content as he knew that the song he heard many times at night in his room differed from that one, so to refresh the old man's memory, he tried to imitate the tune by whistling. the old man's face grew afraid and angry, and stopped the young man from whistling at once, and then he fixed his eyes on the window in this top floor room.
  8. The young man curiously moves towards the window in order to find out what laid ahead, however nervously Eric Zahn drags the young man away from the window, Zahn still holding to the young is  ordered to release. When Zahn calmed down from is temperamental mood, in a friendly manner forced the young man into a chair, and started to write a note to him. 
  9. In the note, he stated his mental state and that he enjoyed to have someone else to listen to his melodies, however it was songs that he could not share at any cost, so he asked the boy to move room, from the 5th floor to the 3rd floor, and all the extra expenses would be paid by him.
  10. The young man moved rooms, and found that the eagerness that he thought Zahn had of his company was not that great, Zahn didn't call the young man to have his company, and during the day he was not at home and at night, he would lock himself in his room playing those horrific melodies.
  11. Secretly the young man would climb up the stairs and just outside Zahn's room stay to listen those melodies.
  12. One night, while Zahn was playing as usual, the young man climbed up again, this time though the music played was crazy, wild and loud, and with the time it grew crazier, the young man worried about Zahn knocked on the door endlessly. When Zahn heard, he went to mysteriously to close the window, and finally admitted the young man.
  13. Shaking pathetically, Zahn forced the man into the chair and started to write a note explaining what exactly happened to him and why he was so troubled.
  14. When he almost finished to write the note always sceptical about the window. An exquisite low and distant note was played. Angry and fearful Zahn started to play the most incredible of the songs, the tune grew wilder, louder, mad. And then purposely he heard a mocking response from the distance.
  15. At that response, the playing grew insane, Zahn's eyes were bulging, and he had become blind, mechanical and unrecognisable.
  16. With all that supernatural power and the wind outside the window broke and the manuscripts and notes by Zahn flew away. The young man tried to rescue the paper but hopelessly, however when he realised what was his sight, the view from the mysterious window. 
  17. Although all that mystery, the landscape it was not what he expected, when he thought it would be lights, roads and live on the other side, all he could see was a black void, with illimitable space, an unimagined space alive with motion.
  18. He rapidly moved away from the window, and facing Zahn, tried to bring the old man to his senses. but it was too late the old viol-player was unconscious, and his appearance changed radically into this insane and demoniac being. 
  19. Luckily, the young man finds his way out from that damned room, and blindly escapes from the Rue D'Auseil, to never return. 
  20. Now that he wants to search for the place, where he lived one of the most insane, horrific and supernatural episodes of his life, he is not able, therefore never explain the music of Eric Zahn.

This guide is a short version of the actual story which is much more detailed. This version almost works as a script for the animation, however many changes will occur to better fit the cinematic world.


tutorphil said...

in terms of style, I did a quick browse of illustrators associated with HP Lovecraft @

This guy Lee Brown Coye - has a great graphic style, which might help you establish theatricality and economic use of spaces

For a really amazing use of minimalism etc - check out the final animation from the animation collection 'Fears of the Dark' - they're all interesting, but the last one is just a masterclass in storytelling and minimalism...

Ruben Martins said...

Thank you phil, I will start researching straight away now that the analysis is complete.
I have been really busy lately because of some unnecessary packing, but now I can concentrate fully on my project.