Wednesday 3 November 2010

Unit 2.02- Character Design Workshop Week 7

This week, in the character design workshop we were introduced to how to create imaginary creatures and monsters. We also were told that any creatures we see in films and games are based on actual animals, or a mixture of them. So to start with we were presented with different examples of these same type of designs. Later we were given the task to create our own monsters based on animals of a certain site, picked up randomly, I had mountain so I came u with some designs for creature, I found really difficult this task, maybe because I'm not used to draw animals, something I should do more often. But nonetheless, I came up with some interesting designs.

As the page order goes: 

 1st- a blend of a bison and a bear, to create a extremely strong creature.

2nd- a blend of a eagle and and mountain lion, to create a more agile predator.

3rd- a blend between a mountain snake, a goat and a fox. to create a extreme agile creature.  

It was a really interesting exercise, because not only help us use our imagination but also to understand these animals anatomy.

1 comment:

Justin Wyatt said...

I may not have seen these on tuesday - i think the blend of the animals work well together - the first bison/bear seems to be the most successful I think - thats an animal I can believe exists. Well observed!