Wednesday 7 October 2009

Self Portrait: Experiment

Today to backup my project idea, I decided to do an experiment which consisted on by the use of make up to transform my face to look more feminine. I tried to use the same techniques as Robert Mapplethorpe, it was a great experience; fun in some way.

After doing this experiment I found that is very difficult to conceal the male features behind amounts of make-up, but overall a good experience.

1 comment:

tutorphil said...

Hi Ruben - but I think you DO succeed in creating a gender-split in the dual-image; it's subtle, but the feminine half is exactly that - the difference around the eye area is particularly noticeable; and I just want to say good for you for experimenting in this way; I suspect a lot of men would be too inhibited or 'hung up' to even contemplate it! Good stuff!