Saturday 8 May 2010

Unit 6- Germination of the Spores Concept

Here is my 3rd concept of my project, for this one I decided to try something different at least a different environment. The Mycelium formation from the germination of the spore.

Finally, only one 1 concept left, to depict the other environment, inside the gills of the mushroom, where the process of meiosis is done. Although this concept took me more time to do, as I found it really complex, the next one will be easier because I have already an idea how the elements look, I just have to get some convincing composition.

For my storyboard, all the shots are studied, I just have to complete it. over the weekend.


Richard V-C said...

Yo ruben, looks awesome, very natural and dirty in a good way :)

Ruben Martins said...

hi, rich.

thanks for the comment, i though I would be the only one wake.
I am loving the retro style of your concept art, really stylized. the poster idea, I think it suits really well.

Richard V-C said...

Cheers Rubes, nah still awake working away, Jordan just went aswell. You on msn?

Ruben Martins said...

I have yes,

tutorphil said...

Morning Rubes - really like the amount of texture in this one - very 'earthy' and tactile - reminds me of the 'viper's nest' scene from Alien Resurrection...

Ruben Martins said...

Thanks phil, if it resembles to that I guess im going the right way :)