Thursday 4 February 2010

Unit 04- Storyboard Artists- Josh Sheppard

Here's a good example:
While researching on internet for Storyboard artists, I came accross with really experienced artists one of them being Josh Sheppard, who works mostly in feature films,such as Cloverfield and Meet the Fockers but also has 10 years experience in TV commercials and Music Video. I mainly choose this Artist because his storyboards are really communicative, not only are beautifully crafted, wich gives a sense of the skill applied but also has directions, camera movements indicated by arrows, or small inidications of the type of shot. Also, I found that many storyboard artists, actually draw the picture to after frame it in a 16:9 aspect ratio, this not only helps to create more dynamic drawings full of movements but also helps the director or the production with ideas for the camera movements.
Josh Sheppard's Website can be found Here and the blog Here

1 comment:

Niya said...

Nice stort board...
Thanks for sharing...

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