Friday 25 December 2009

d'Artiste: Digital Artists Master Class- Concept Art

This was in my opinion, the most valuable present I have received this christmas, from my girlfriend ( no it wasnt Santa). After seeing this book once in one of our amazing Photoshop Classes back in unit 2. It was a book that always was on my buying list, and because it is X-mas, my Girlfriend surprised me with it.

The book got amazing concept art pictures, from 4 different well-known Concept Artists: George Hull, Viktor Antonov, Andrew Jones and Nicolas "Sparth" Bouvier. it takes us through from most of their beautiful work in a wide gallery and present step -by step of some concept artworks so the reader as an idea of the techniques used and how they overcome their problems.
This book is a 'bible' of concept art, if want to succeed in this industry not only helps beginners but also more advanced artists. So in my opinion is a must buy if you really want to go forth in the concept design industry.

Next on the list is d'Artiste: Matte Painting


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