Tuesday 15 December 2009

Unit 3- CG Scenes with Hospitals or Asylums ( Games, Films)

F.E.A.R 2: Hospital Scene

Although, I'm familiar with this FPS, while researching I wasn't looking at the functionality of the game itself or not even to the gory killings that this game shows, that makes us spend hours and hours of addictive time playing it. Instead, I was looking more into the scenes, the objects displacements to get a better idea what really goes where.

Condemned 2: Hospital Scene

This is another game that I'm familiar with and that uses the lighting to create really contrasted environment, once again I found this hospital scene that, I wont be using any material reference from, because it is contemporary, which my hospital will not be. I am mainly looking at the use of lighting and textures in this example.

P.s.- Advise to watch this in silent because the guy doesnt stop saying 'OMG'


Unknown said...

i love this game for its thrills and scares, still havent completed it. It is a all round uncanny, i wouldnt say horror as it is about supernatural, the scene you have got is great, rele love it, cant wait to see you models for your scene.

Ruben Martins said...

I know F.E.A.R. is just amazing the idea around hallucinations really gives a creepy feeling to the game, add to the suspense of each scenario... perfect...

Sam Hayes said...

I remember that school level from F.E.A.R really well,it was brilliant design. The scariest part was walking into the large room and seeing a mutant hunched over playing the Piano.. before springing off it to try and ripoff your face.

Great game.